Good morning
We are located at Cassilis NSW.
We purchased this property in July 2011.
We are third generation farmers with good access to water but we are struggling for feed. We have sold all our weaners, sheep and culled cows where possible. We only have left our core breeders desperately hoping to lessen the financial blow for us when rain finally comes.
450 PTIC cows about to calve
130 heifers
12 bulls.
Last year our farm suffered 1450 acres of fire damage and we offered free agistment to our neighbour who was completely burnt out as well as a friend from Coolah who suffered the same.
The problem of course is it hasn’t rained. We have on hand 20x 350 kg bales of hay and according to our stack test less than 40 days of feed before we are desert even with the supplementing of cotton seed and hay we are doing now.
We have been to see the Mudgee rural financial counselling service who we actually use regularly for our farm budgeting and really want to try to retain our breeders.
Any assistance you could give us would be enormously appreciated.