Thirsty Cow Angels

It is well recognised that farming is a physically and psychologically-demanding occupation. In Australia, farming is now characterised by high rates of stress, injury and suicide. Understanding and developing interventions to promote mental health in farming communities is a matter of urgency.

Since its inception Thirsty Cow has endeavoured to deliver the highest level of assistance to those on the land where and whenever drastically adverse conditions have endangered the ongoing well-being of those involved.

Their animals, and the properties which they all call home, but they also noted that the devastating circumstances resulting from Natures cycle of such Events affect every aspect of victims lives. Ranging through the sudden impossibilities of every day living, to personal tragedies of lost lives, bringing longstanding heartache and continuing distress to both immediate family and their broader communities.


While they may greatly appreciate the untiring efforts of Thirsty Cow volunteers and others in physically saving livestock, restoring the work-ability of property and ensuring there is food on the table for the moment. It is indeed the cognitive and mental capacity of those victims that must be equally (if not more so) recognised and nursed, encouraged and treated urgently for the purpose of saving lives and providing the means by which they can work their way back. Firstly accepting the reality of their situation and thereafter working through the seemingly impossible, with the help of those offering them a HAND-UP.

The Thirsty Cow Angels endeavour to recognize those situations of specialised help and to introduce Trained and Supervised Care as a priority and has been able to remedy many potentially tragic outcomes.

Because of the HIGHLY PRIVATE and CONFIDENTIAL nature of each situation the Thirsty Cow Angels WORK WITH TOTAL CONFIDENTIALITY.